Pristine childcare and wellbeing services are professional health care services with quality strategies to the needs of children, youths and adults in our care. Our mission is to provide an inclusive affordable, developmental appropriate practice, which includes safeguarding children's health and wellbeing.
As a community interest company, our aim is to provide and deliver subsidised care services, and affordable community -focused childminding activities for children and their parents. More so, to provide affordable childcare services and support to parents who wish to get back to work but facing financial difficulties and ensures communities benefit from affordable best childcare with accessible activity opportunities.
We also aim to provide advice, counselling, outreach support and care to the youth and parents in our community by tackling mental health issues with the help of our qualified health and wellness consultants.
Our Professional healthcare solution provider works to the standards and commitments of the children in our care. Our services are affordable and our commitment to customer satisfaction is second to none.
Childminding, Breakfast and After school clubs, Preschoolers play group activities, Educating and supporting parents of children with special needs, Mid-term break clubs, weekend outings, Dance club, Art & craft, Mentoring support activities for youth, organing respite and relief care package with the support of qualified professionals for families with special needs.
At Pristine childcare, we support and care for children and youth with learning disabilities, Autism spectrum disorder, and other special educational needs and disability. Our trained practitioners provide life changing support and guidiance for families affected by all forms of disabilites within our community with the best childcare services. We have special trained practitioners who cares and assist with toileting needs, school pick ups, outings, childminding, Teaching assistant (1-1), and different task for children with special needs and their family.
At Pristine childcare services, we believe that Children who receive high quality child care have better developmental outcome. These efficient outcome includes better cognitive and linguistic development which may have a tremendous impact on an individual's lifetime trajectory.
We offer affordable childming services which is Ofsted registered including children with special needs, tutorial classes, breakfast /after school clubs, organizing fun activities to tackle mental health issues, outings to leisure areas, relieve break plan for parents with special needs children, and organising birthday parties.
We educate, care, and support the children in our care with developmentally appropriate activities that helps build strong cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills.
Our team are specialized in childming, supporting children and their parent to overcome and tackle mental health issues such as depression, drug addiction, behavioural issues, obesity, Bullying, and others. Our goal is to help, care and support children and their family going throug mental health issues to care, invest, empower and build confidence in themselves and change the way they perceive their life and develop a positive better lifestyle.
We also aim to support, train and counsel the youths and their families to understand that their personal development is a unique cycle ranging from relationships, health, career, finances, lifestyle which influence each other and are interconnected.
Pristine childcare and wellbeing services aims to protect key activities like expensives child care cost and some recreational services from the pressures of profitability and ensures the community benefit from accessible activity opportunities.
We can be reached online, through social media facebook, instagram, and whatapp.
email address:
07404733386/07470951063 ( Kaffey)
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